InHouse Real Estate was founded in 2013 and has enjoyed considerable community support ever since.  Licensee and owner Adam Donaldson is a true local and is an active participant in the Sapphire Coast community.  Adam is intertwined with the local community through both sponsorships and volunteer activities including....

  • Eden Fishing Club Sponsor - Annual Fishing Competition - Sponsorship of a Kids fish category.
  • Eden Killer Whales Soccer Club - Adam's contributions include Club President and committee member (9 years) and kids teams coach (8+ years).  He also does an ok job as senior mens goal keeper.
  • Marine Rescue Eden Member - Coxswain & Radio Operator (in training as of March 2023)
  • Far South Coast Football Referees Association - 2022-23 Appointments officer and Level 3 Referee.

InHouse Real Estate is always open to sponsorship requests from local sporting clubs or other wonderful community groups.